Creating Jabref launcher for Fedora Core 15
I am not sure why, Fedora Core does not include Jabref in their distro, unlike Ubuntu.
Since this is application is VERY CRUCIAL in my work, so I ease up my days by writing my own desktop shortcut file. So I have option whether to run through terminals or simply desktop.
Here goes. I am not aware if anybody else actually created this, since I cannot file any.
With you favorite editor, write an empty file, let say jabref.desktop .. locate it in your favorite place.
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=java -jar /home/najmi/JabRef-2.7.jar
Change the values accordingly. Prior to that, don't forget to get the JAR file for JabRef!
Now, as you can see we have a value, Icon=Jabref. This actually points to
Now, we just have to locate them in the following places
I have created the icons, just simply download them here
To copy them, you may need a superuser access.
That's all. You should get your own desktop shortcut for JabRef now!
I am not sure why, Fedora Core does not include Jabref in their distro, unlike Ubuntu.
Since this is application is VERY CRUCIAL in my work, so I ease up my days by writing my own desktop shortcut file. So I have option whether to run through terminals or simply desktop.
Here goes. I am not aware if anybody else actually created this, since I cannot file any.
With you favorite editor, write an empty file, let say jabref.desktop .. locate it in your favorite place.
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=java -jar /home/najmi/JabRef-2.7.jar
Change the values accordingly. Prior to that, don't forget to get the JAR file for JabRef!
Now, as you can see we have a value, Icon=Jabref. This actually points to
Now, we just have to locate them in the following places
I have created the icons, just simply download them here
jabref.png is a 48x48 icon
jabref.png3 is a 16x16 icon
To copy them, you may need a superuser access.
That's all. You should get your own desktop shortcut for JabRef now!
as simple as that.
i am not clear what is your problem actually.