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Showing posts from April, 2009
Panduan Melanjutkan Pengajian Doktor Falsafah di Amerika Syarikat Monolog. (ni aku tulis sendiri, bace je le) Kalo ko nak pi US sambung MSc/Phd ke bace je ni. Check USNews, refer pada CS school. Univ kat US kalo bab research ada tier-tiernya. Top univ in research tentu le Tier 1 seterusnya sampai Tier 4. Univ yang ngetop banget dalam Tier 1. Kat US private univ conquer top ranking, dan selalu top univ ni guna nama orang. Macam Cornell, John Hopkins, Purdue. Kan ke nama orang tu. Then, application guna online apps je most of the time. Senang,tak payah gune liquid paper. Then kena appoint 3 recommenders(usually prof yang kenal kita/aptitude for research). Biasenye kena bayar application fee, range dalam USD30-USD70. Untuk consider for admission usually cut off CGPA ialah 3.0, tapi tu je tak cukup, since kalo nak masuk utk good grad school kena ada decent GRE score, total yang bagus untuk both Quantitative & Verbal ialah dalam 1100 ke atas. Q dalam 700, V dalam 400 ok dah kot. Harga t...
Re: Phd in Computer Security @ DTU Dear Najmi, I have worked a bit on using machine learning in intrusion detection, but one of my colleagues has more recently done more extensive work in this area. I have therefore forwarded your proposal to him (I may possibly act as your co-supervisor). You may find information about the procedures regarding Ph.D. admission and much other useful information about doing a Ph.D. at the Technical University of Denmark at the webpage: I will let you know as soon as I hear from my colleague, but it probably wont be until after the Easter holiday. Best regards, C p/s: Terpaksa gi tempat lain la ini macam, Denmark. Hoh! Dah tak kasi gi US/UK/AU nak buat macam mana!
Indecisive meeting SSLC 30 Apr, tiket Air Asia X 29 Apr, kalo nak tukar tarikh = burn RM1.4K, kalo tak gi meeting ntah dapat gi luar ntah idak. adeh, why it is so difficult, all at once. grrr