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Showing posts from June, 2017

Trip ke Perth dan sekitar Australia Barat

Alhamdulillah kami sekeluarga berpeluang bermusafir sekitar Australia Barat (West AU) pada November 2016. Tempoh berjalan adalah sekitar satu minggu dan saya telah memandu kereta sewa dalam jarak hampir 3,000km merentas hampir sebahagian Australia Barat. Pada waktu tersebut saya bawa juga laptop saya untuk bekerja disebabkan pada waktu berkenaan kontrak kerja saya adalah secara "part time" jadi tiada cuti bergaji, jadi saya kena bertugas pada waktu malam. Kebetulan di Australia Barat ni tidak digalakkan memandu pada waktu malam kerana banyak haiwan liar seperti kangaru yang suka kepada cahaya lampu kenderaan. Kadang-kadang kalau memandu di sekitar West AU ni anda boleh lihat bangkai kangaru di tepi-tepi jalan, berkemungkinan dilanggar oleh kenderaan yang berada di jalanan. Berikut adalah tempat yang kami telah lawat pada tempoh berkenaan: Lancelin Sand Dunes   The Pinnacles/Nambung National Park Rottnest Island   Wave Rock   Esperance     ...

Keeping in the best shape while working as a remote staff

Remote employment is not for everyone. It requires discipline, ability to work independently, proper time management and other related things (stable broadband, stable electricity, understanding spouse etc :) ). Apart from those thing, how about the change of the work location itself? I've been working remotely from different houses in New York, Washington DC, Perth (West Australia),  Skudai (Malaysia), Bagan Datok (Malaysia), Ampang (Malaysia, most of the time) and lately - I tried to work from an Island - the Perhentian Island. This island is reachable around 45 minutes from the Kuala Besut Jetty. Pretty awesome journey and nice view since the weather was good.  We (the whole family.. my wife and I, plus our two kids) went on the boat and saw this awesome creature - a turtle! The turtle managed to float itself to the surface for a while but unfortunately that time I was not ready with my camera. So I just put my action cam in the water to take a close picture. O...