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Showing posts from September, 2003
semalam balik dari kampung. letih gilos. Hm,surprised when being told that the PC which I still using in ITD gonna be formatted. Hm,weird. What's wrong having Linux in the PC,instead having those cockroach OS? Remember got headache having all night to remove the parasit on your bare hand ? (haha) I hope I shall graduate this semester insya Allah, and all my reports and projects done smoothly. :-|
pc kat ITD ni masih lagi tak up. here I go, kat CC lagi. patutnya aku datang interview 2nd phase shell arini. tapi semalam aku demam,ada briefing. so kindof postpone lah ni. heh. hopefully dapat tarikh sesuai. dulu by phone tu pun time aku peksa test II :-(
Salamz, Just popping in from CC. heh.siang tadi gi main bowling ngan lecturer KENMS,si Nazim ajak.main lak kat Ampang Bowl. aku tak penah main kat situ. Dr Abd Rahim terer tul. best player.seperti biasa,veteran bab bowling ni jangan lawan... :-) aku punya la lama dah tak main. longkang manjang isk. pastu makan KFC.pree ke a? tak kuar duit pun :p berdebar tunggu final advance tele, 5 hb. hmm.......
last week antor naz ke KLIA,nak sambung study ke Excess U,London aku gi ngan Nazim,Zul. satu keta lagi kama,liza ngan kawan diorang.yang drive tu sorang lagi,Din sampai airport jumpa Yusri pulak. dah agak dah,tempat beso camni musti ada benda pelik punya heh :D semalam, jumaat present FYP. peh. cam poyor jek. malam semalam gathering batch+planning hala tuju pas grad. mana aku nak gi ek? .......
Thank you for your participation in the Graduate interview with Shell recently. Although we noted with interest your qualifications and background during the interview, we regret that we are unable to pursue your application any further at this stage. However, we intend to keep your application in our active file for the next 12 months. Should there be any suitable vacancy within this period, we shall be in touch with you. We thank you for your interest in Shell and wish you all the best in your career search. Thanks & regards Recruitment Coordinator Shell People Services (Asia) Sdn Bhd 11th Floor, Wisma Chase Perdana Changkat Semantan, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur Internet:
aku kat umah akak aku. tadi nengok cite besh la pulak. gelak gile eheks. ni mata dah ngantuk tak tido lagi nih. keje ada, tapi takmo buat. tah apala. aku penin betul la ngan masalah CVS ni. mula2 aku ingat ada poblem ngan repository, freeze ka apa ka.
Neo anto kat aku: Tips and clue on how to succeed in interview with Shell or other MNC Co. ------------------------------------------------------------ Hi Mnajem, Tahniah kerana telah melepasi peringkat pertama dari beberapa peringkat tapisan interview dalam shell. aku telah melepasinya.., kenapa tidak ko kan? aku lagi takde CGPA atau SPM yang power-power. pada peringkat pertama biasanya tak susah sangat, mostly soalan berkisar mengenai latarbelakang pendidikan dan keluarga .. juga untuk mengenali serba-sedikit personaliti ko. Sebab tu ada soalan pasal Taman Negara tu.., utk test kemahiran 'thinking on your feet', dimana jawapan ko adalah berbentuk spontan tapi bernas..berdasarkan kepada kepekaan ko terhadap isu-isu semasa, soalan ini ditanya sebab Shell merupakan satu-satunya syarikat minyak yg aktif dalam kempen-kempen 'Green Earth' nih.. Di tanya pasal advantage dan dis-advantage tu.. utk test analyctical skill ko.., untuk peringkat ke...
Interviewer: Shall we begin now ? aku:yes. ok:what is your spm gred? aku:I got 7 agg. Int: your current CGPA? aku: 3.x int: I resume here,shown that you being director for Information and Public Relation. So,what exactly that you did? aku: info pr bla-bla promoting the society,managing people bla-bla int: so, what is your experience in managing people ? aku: bla-bla understanding their problems, try to get patience, etc bcoz of voluntary work and not get any payment for involvement. int: tell me in the specific matters ...? aku: ... .... bla bla bla. this and that project....etc. etc. int: your SPM is 7aggr, why do you got 3.x? aku : bla bla cocuricullum,sacrifice. bla bla (senornya grading kat sini A-90 dulu,lately je jadi A=85 plus kat sini dolu2 A,B,C,D,F skang je baru jadi A,A-,B+,B,B-,time aku dah setel banyak subjek.isk) int: ok we going to the next phase of the interview. I shall test you critical thinking. aku: ok int : ok.tell me about National Park. aku :...
salam, I gotta call from Shell. haha,I almost down to my nap when she called me. anyway,I am shortlisted candidate! wau! :p like a dream. but then the call gonna be by phone.hmmmm.... what sort of question gonna be asked? "Adik dah makan ke ? " haha.... that gonna be mental torture then.hee hee. err,any other IS student gonna have that interview? :) wassalam.
hari ni nak pegi ke krystar. tadi baru je call. cik nazar ajak ke sana dari dulu lagi. harini baru terniat nak pegi. aiseh.apsal mandrake yang pakai IP statik ni tak leh run? ping keluar ok maksud aku tak boleh nak surf. nak buat cvs commit lagi la.isk.