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Showing posts from March, 2007
Yuppie (Young Professional) and the Everlasting Forbidden Credits! click here Hidup melebihi kemampuan Oleh RUSINAH SIRON SECARA rasionalnya, perspektif permikiran kita dalam melihat sikap golongan muda yang suka berbelanja dan bergaya lagak yang di luar kemampuan mereka ini bukanlah sesuatu yang baru dan menghairankan kerana ia seolah-olah sudah menjadi gaya hidup yang diterima oleh golongan muda khususnya dan masyarakat Malaysia amnya yang memang suka berhutang dan memberi hutang dengan mempunyai pelbagai maksud dan tujuan hidup. Penulis ambil satu contoh mudah dengan melihat senario graduan yang telah tamat belajar dari universiti atau kolej. Dengan usaha, pengetahuan dan tuah badan, kita andaikan graduan yang telah tamat belajar tersebut terus diterima bekerja dengan purata gaji RM2,000 (contoh ini tidak termasuk bagi graduan yang kurang bernasib baik yang mendapat gaji yang tidak setimpal dengan kelulusan yang mereka capai iaitu RM800 - RM1,000). Dengan gaji RM2,000, maka berm...
Speed up your biz search with Masterseek! You can use Masterseek to spread up your IT business words and advertisements. With many line of product lines advertised from photography, communication, office equipments, wireless stuffs, and many more, Masterseek is the place for you to advertise! Communicate and spread you advertisement channel and media words with Masterseek , else you regret for not giving yourself any try! Not only that, it'll ease up your business products introduced to any place where bits and bytes goes! Place your advert for software like this About Masterseek Masterseek is the world’s largest and most comprehensive B2B search engine that establishes contact between buyers and suppliers worldwide. Masterseek’s unique web technology enables companies to obtain detailed information regarding global, national, regional, or local markets and their actors. Masterseek’s global search engine provides quick and free access to, among other things, company profiles, co...
The Lost World of Tambun, Sunway City Ipoh Ok. I think Sunway should pay me for this post, since I'm blogging for Just went to the Sunway City of Tambun,Ipoh and I guess we had so much fun back then. Location:Ipoh [click here]
Transformers- The Movie I guess this year many new blockbuster movie raise their heads up! Click here for the robot(IMDB) Clich here for the the official site
Computer Science Dept. Cornell: Purdue: Stanford: Carnegie Melon: Yale: Princeton
Firefox 2.x on Ubuntu Linux considered buggy? I am not alone when I was having problem with my Firefox 2.x on Ubuntu. After did some internet search, I found out that it always pointed to FF 2.x version: Google Also, there are several links on Ubuntu's launchpad where the users reported these bugs with different cases: Link 1 Link 2
Getting My Rxvt Entitled Hi, I modified a DOS batch script so that it'll concurrently run 4 java apps and listened for a Java swing applet input: @echo off echo This program meant to run CLA and CTF java application in concurrent manner echo This short script is meant to automate Java execution popup -mnajem echo Running CLA server start rxvt -exec java CLAServer 7676 echo Running CLA Server CTF start rxvt -exec java CLAServerCTF 7678 echo Running CTF Server start rxvt -exec java CTFServer 7677 localhost 7678 echo Running Java applet start rxvt -exec java Voter localhost localhost echo Done :end I googled/RTFM'ed for rxvt tutorial to put the application's name as the title, but I can't do it. Do you know how to solve it? See the pix given-I would like to put the Java apps' name as it's title. Sure it can be done,right?
Islamic Financial Blog Hi, There is one blog which actively focusing on Islamic Financial matters. Spend your time reading this blog: Click here:
Phd & Blogger's Post source I knew this name once I did my Spellchecker's Assignment. And through one blogger's URL whom commented my post, I wonder whether this is his(?) post: "One needs proper guidance for perusing a research work initially and doing PhD is a better way to achieve the esteemed project. Doing PhD under an experienced teacher enhances the value of work and also many mistakes are checked beforeh and publishing a work of research." Corecct?
Speechless are my words Defining and realizing ambitions need pain. Royal pain. To achieve an ambition we need a sacrifice. Or you'll be the sacrifice lamb for other people's ambitions. I was from art stream. I was in the way that should shape me to be finance consultant wannabe, or religious teacher(which I was once dreamt to But I choose Computer Science instead. The choice which brings me here. Which saw me staying up late sacrificing my own guts to realized my dream. One of my dream is to be a competent and reliable computer scientist. These people are the respected people of their field which I always look into their steps: 1: Anton Chukavin 2: Joanna Rutkowska 3. Andrew S Tanenbaum 4 William Stallings
Kroah Giving away LKN for Free Though I bet you already saw the LKN version in PDF for quite sometime ;) , this is from Kroah himself. Download it for youself, and make yourself useful in kernel-dev. :-) Click here
Nepenthes: I am correct? I looked at the services on my Ubuntu 6.10, running Nepenthes 0.17... Nmap'ed my machine and... # nmap localhost Starting Nmap 4.10 ( ) at 2007-03-03 20:25 MYT Interesting ports on localhost.localdomain ( Not shown: 1655 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 22/tcp open ssh 25/tcp open smtp 42/tcp open nameserver 80/tcp open http 110/tcp open pop3 135/tcp open msrpc 139/tcp open netbios-ssn 143/tcp open imap 220/tcp open imap3 443/tcp open https 445/tcp open microsoft-ds 465/tcp open smtps 631/tcp open ipp 993/tcp open imaps 995/tcp open pop3s 1023/tcp open netvenuechat 1025/tcp open NFS-or-IIS 2105/tcp open eklogin 3372/tcp open msdtc 5000/tcp open UPnP 10000/tcp open snet-sensor-mgmt 17300/tcp open kuang2 19150/tcp open gkrellmd Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.191 seconds Seems it runs the Microsoft service already...
Nephentes & ClamAV I just installed these stuffs. We'll see what can I do with it. apt-get install clamav.... and look some config in nephentes configuration file :-)