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Getting My Rxvt Entitled

Hi, I modified a DOS batch script so that it'll concurrently run 4 java apps and listened for a Java swing applet input:

@echo off
echo This program meant to run CLA and CTF java application in concurrent manner

echo This short script is meant to automate Java execution popup -mnajem

echo Running CLA server
start rxvt -exec java CLAServer 7676

echo Running CLA Server CTF
start rxvt -exec java CLAServerCTF 7678

echo Running CTF Server
start rxvt -exec java CTFServer 7677 localhost 7678

echo Running Java applet
start rxvt -exec java Voter localhost localhost

echo Done


I googled/RTFM'ed for rxvt tutorial to put the application's name as the title, but I can't do it. Do you know how to solve it?

See the pix given-I would like to put the Java apps' name as it's title. Sure it can be done,right?


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