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Showing posts from February, 2009
Virginia Commonwealth University I contacted a Prof in VCU, telling my interest and he did checked my papers, credentials and so. Seems that he interested to take me as his apprentice, given I made through the normal application procedure. His approach on security is different, since he is also teach computational inteligence subject. Well, I admit, I love to know about machine learning on malware detection - it may suit under his supervision. It just that I wondering whether KPT/MOHE will allow an admission to this school, it is Tier 3 though. Also there are professors whom advised me to apply, after I asked them to pre-screen my credentials and paper (reputable schools won't have much time to do this due to competitive admission). -NC Charlotte - The professor was a Purdue Phd grad -Missouri Univ of Science and Technology (MUST)- The prof was Ohio State phd grad. I just stuck now ... well it is my future, so decide!
How to conduct home brew sanity check for your potential supervisor Memandangkan di zaman gawat ni peluang TA/RA di universiti di US mungkin berkurangan, potensi anda mungkin lebih mudah jika anda datang dengan scholarship (tak semestinya!). I created my own quotable qoutes ... "We are just cheap labor, come to you sire at our own disposal" Ni macam cerita Merlin da... taking all the trouble to become a "Knight" (+low paid, + expecting loyalty much like a dog etc). Anyway, for security based research, basically what I think of for now, look at reputable conferences such as RAID or NDSS . And see whether or not that particular faculty is among the committees. In my case, I got several names, but you have to get through the admission process first, since the admission is not being decided by them. This needs you to have a competitive result for GRE and your academic credentials *sob*. Looking at those names, as you can see, those faculties came from either high tier...
QUT: BRISBANE Ada ura-ura di ISI QUT, Brisbane setelah perbualan di antara Dr Colin dan Dr George, untuk ruang Phd kepada saya. Amacam, cambest?
Knowledge Grid Forum @ IIUM Definitely (by Allah's will I will come)
Incurred cost TOEFL - USD150 GRE - USD170 Application Fee USD60 (for IU) Transcript courier () Backup plan -anywhere in .AU, .NZ or UKM/UTM
We are moved Your hot blog author now is in progress moving to new house from Setapak to Ampang (means I have to drive 20km x 2 to office and return). Apart from Phd quest, he is busy also handling his personal life. Not to mention the days in the office routine.
Indiana Jones punye new Quest
Egg head I was somehow thinking, why a human never use his brain 100% ? Even during my schooldays, there was a Hong Kong comic making fool the readers that those "adiwira" can defeat their enemies by optimizing certain percentage of their brain usage. Kinda joke but somehow I manage to read them (of course, hardly to buy those things). When I decided to pursue my graduate work on computer security, I was first surprised that previously I only knew that people who self proclaim themselves as researchers are not more that users who run applications. Now that I already knew that it needs significant amount of advanced mathematics to become a competent security researcher, I keep wondering whether we will be able to produce effective security based application developer. There are several stuffs that I believe have to be mastered, networking, mathematics, psychology, laws and operating systems. However, given that you want to focus on technical part, drop the psych and laws part....
Dah selesai kenduri Alhamdulillah selesai kenduri sebelah perempuan dan lelaki. Memang penat, dan banyak wang ringgit dikeluarkan untuk meraikan walimah kami. Jadi, harapannya segala susah payah itu berbaloi dengan terdirinya masjid ini. Cuma, agak terkilan dengan ketidakhadiran rakan-rakan (konon), yang tidak hadir tanpa memberi sebab musabab, melainkan diam membisu. Lebih-lebih lagi yang saya hadiri majlisnya, sungguh mengecewakan . Sudahlah senyap saja, apatah lagi datang. Tengok saja nanti kalau dia di dalam kesusahan, adakah kita orang yang dicarinya atau bagaimana. Lainlah kalau tak jemput.
TOEFL dan GRE Saya sudah dapat result penuh TOEFL secara online dan partly GRE. Keputusan sudah dijangka, dengan kekangan masa kenduri, ke Kedah melawat anggota keluarga yang ditimpa musibah, workload sebagai Timbalan Dekan Hal Ehwal Pelajar, mengajar 3 kelas dengan jumlah pelajar hampir 105 orang, set kertas soalan etc, I may deserve that. Bagaimana agaknya saya hendak membahagikan masa? Memang mudah dari segi teori, tapi dari segi praktik, balik ke rumah plan nak baring saja sebab penat ... cuma pada minggu menjelang ujian barulah dikuatkan badan untuk menghadap buku untuk latih tubi, itupun mengenangkan kos ujian sekitar USD320 untuk kedua-dua TOEFL/GRE. Kalau untuk kemasukan ke IPT tempatan markah TOEFL tu dah lepas. Writing pun saya dapat 27/30 ! Selebihnya mungkin disebabkan stamina etc. What else I can do other than writing excuses! :=p Untuk GRE, nah, memang dijangka VERBAL memang bermasalah. Bayangkan perkataan yang ditanya memang rare, tak pernah jumpa pun. Nak hafal wordlist...