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'Fortune' Hadith

telah come out dengan teks fortune untuk hadith, dan untuk kali ini kebanyakan hadith adalah fadhilat puasa Ramadhan.

Source boleh dimuat turun di sini

Untuk Linux dan Open Source Operating System sahaja. Tak tau kalau windows boleh run fortune kat MS-DOS. Korang nak run? Sukati.


Marjan Jeffry said…
today I just know the meaning of "zalzalah" from radio. If I remembered it correctly; Zalzalah is an arabic word meaning high powered vibration. There is also a surah in the holy Quran numbered 99 and named Al-Zalzalah ( The Quake). This surah talks about the Apocalypse and The Judgement Day.

The last verse of the surah is very scary. "And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it."

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