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Showing posts from June, 2007
........speechless Salam, Aku lately mengalami masalah kesempitan wang yang serius disebabkan kereta satria aku yang berusia 10 tahun ada major repair.. dalam bulan ni je untuk kereta aku abis RM600 untuk maintenance. Ganti spectacle lagi. Accumulated maintaince expense untuk keta yang aku beli sejak Disember 2005 ni dekat RM3000 jugak. Ganti absorber,ganti tayar (haritu kan pancit-tayar last yang aku tak penah ganti pancit balik dari Kangar. Tayar tu tahun 2001. Owner lama tak tukar. Nasib la). Gaji macam aku ni dok seorang pun dah boleh jadi defisit, nak bayar PTPTN(auto deduct), loan laptop aku 2 tahun, then medical card(aku memikirkan sebab arwah abang aku dulu pernah kena kanser umur 29 tahun.. dan kebetulan dia ambik insurans tu tak jauh tarikh dari dia kena sakit tu, kampeni insurans tak nak bayar sebab assume dia dah tau sakit baru ambik polisi. Nak buat macam mana. So sewaktu sihat la fikir nak ambil polisi gini). Memang ada medical benefit, tapi kita tak tau future jadi apa, ...
Behold! Packing up stuffs. Get ready to move. Asking towkeys for box. Got few with no costs, but since I'm refused to ask the same towkey then I go for another shop. He charged me RM0.30 each box taken. I took 4. Well, I'm quite generous in some sense. Sent another copy of my writings for hard-cover binding. The amoi charged me RM28. Well, my writings actually did not fit well with hard cover so she can't put my name at the cover's side. So let it be in the front. Golden color mini thesis cover with my name written in uppercase-golden color. It'll take 3 days to accomplish so I have to stay here doing something.. i.e prepare for my job. Next, photocopied my letter so that I can ask for the copy to be certified. It went well, except they can't certified the print out copy of any result. Not yet I guess. So, this is out of my prediction. Oh, I've to wait for 2nd hand shop to buy my 1 month newspaper collections. I guess I'll gain around RM3-4. Enough to le...
Space Explosion: How it really relates to regular expression In my mini thesis, I concentrating on pattern matching algorithm which relates to packet payload processing. During my literature reviews, I came across to regular expression "space explosion". The phrase rather seems remind me to inter galactic war in Star Trek, Starwars, Battlestar Galactica or things like that. Dealing with regular expression led me to read more: time & space consideration. Somehow it led me to think about Quantum Physic (which unfortunately I never learn pure sciences subject during my secondary school, so I'll avoid to elaborate things I didn't know). I did google to the Internet and try to use "space explosion" and pair with regular expression phrase. Quoting this paper: Pattern matching using regular expressions is distinct from static pattern matching, where the input string is matched against other literal strings. In regular expressions, meta-characters with special m...
Resurrection I have to do something that should make myself enjoy because for some reasons I felt unmotivated. Eat, sleep, surfing etc which are daily routines somehow really make me bored. Maybe I should go fishing. Oh yeah. Called Makri and asked whether there is room available to rent somewhere that he knew. Will going back to KL soon and start working as before.
Persistence It's always hard to be persistent, don't we?
Making people pleased "Everybody lies" Do you? Do we? Try to hide the truth facts so that people pleased. And they feel comforted. Yet you suffering yourself try to accept what other people did to you. It's normal. Of course it was. It is. And it will. But the obvious effect of making people pleased is that you sacrificed something that you appreciate most. Or at least, you feel sad to sacrifice it. But do they know? Do they care? Do they appreciate? Do they even realize you actually making hard decision to please them, or he? or she? Obvious reason. The art of playing chess is to sacrifice your pawn. For current being to achieve your ultimate goal you have to suffer now, cry now, sacrifice now. Regret now. But does that guarantee you the joyful & cheer days later? Or you regret later. Worse, everlasting loser that God ever created. This writings however, does not have any purpose. It was a writing. But, since it was written in English, so everyone reached these ASCII...
Pirates of Carribean I watched this. Needless to conclude I guess.
"Thinking" Deep thought indeed. I am counting days to end my study here. If things happened as planned, I'll be back to my job as before. Well, with new responsibilities and tasks, I hope that I'm effective to accomplish tasks. The question is, what will I face in the incoming tasks. But as time goes by, I'm sure that I can adapt to it. At least for the time being I try to do so. Viva It's fun to answer people who question me back. You plan to buy Viva(which they mean, newly announced Malaysian car) Obviously putting "preparing for viva, or I'll have my viva soon" leads to "wow ko beli viva ke?" I'll have my viva soon. A bit depressed. Nervous as well. Just wondering what kind of question gonna be asked. What sort of inquiries, do they drill my writings, do they satisfied with my work. Do my work simple enough? Do they need me to do corrections? Bah. It doesn't sounds comfortable for me. Watching anime "Death Note" did...
Gnuplot I came across with gnuplot few days back when I was forced to generate a graph which portrayed memory and cpu usage for certain process with specific IDs. Gnuplot doesn't seems bad although I guess it was a little bit cryptic at first. I did installed Gnuplot in my cygwin terminal as well. Anyway it seems that cygwin didn't have some tool that I need to work on and I believe that if I want to do any profiling task, just do it natively on *nix instead. Well, I just put some of the important links here in case I need it afterwards: Gnuplot tutorial IMHO, Gnuplot is the best tool once you deal with lot of lines of data say, in text file log output. It really helps you I mean it. You can create the same graph(almost) in the spreadsheet such as Excel or Calc, but I think Gnuplot gives you more in term of customization and it really awesome. Dealing with hundreds, even thousands of data; I don't think you want to cut+paste all these within your spreadsheets. It doesn'...
Tanpa Tajuk Monolog Izinkan aku menulis aku dalam bahasaku sendiri. Satu sebabnya ialah kebebasan aku menulis dalam bahasa lidahku keduanya kerana sindrom pembacaan aku lebih menulusuri aliran sastera lewat karya klasik Indonesia dan juga Malaysia. Satu isu yang aku lontarkan di sini ialah satu artikel mengenai "kejayaan wanita" di dalam suratkhabar lewat beberapa pekan yang lalu. Isunya ialah mengenai kejayaan individu wanita dalam bidang pekerjaan. Toh aku terkagum betapa suksesnya individu ini di dalam kariernya, dengan nilai perniagaan jutaan ringgit. Tapi. Tapi? Tapi malangnya sudah bercerai. Ya, banyak isu berlegar lewat kepala aku ini. Sibuk sangat dengan urusan kerja, sampai tanggungjawab keluarga terabai? Atau memang sikap wanita itu yang menyebabkan masalah cerai? Atau suami sudah ada calon yang lebih bergetah dan berdahi licin? Hem. Toh perkara ini bukan satu isu yang biasa dibincangkan oleh lelaki, terlebih di dalam blog. Tapi aku selaku pemerhati dan pemikir, set...
It's a long day Just went back from Kangar yesterday as I attended Najdah's wedding. Well she's smile as always, for sure she's happy since she'll spend one month there-honeymoon? . A long trip anyway,it took me from 12pm to 7pm to reach back to Penang. Since I've to drop by another wedding along with Tabien at Gurun. The trip seems okay at first,not when I want to go back to Penang. First, I had difficulty to start my engine. I just replaced the battery, it seems something else going wrong. No ignition sound from the engine. And later, when I reached to one traffic light while still in Kangar town, I mistakenly pull of the clutch early, and the engine went off. Obviously I've to start the engine back. And it went as what I said above, no sounds and I've to push my car to leftside. Luckily later Tabien start off the engine and we all went back into car and I drove back to go back to hiway. That's not the end. Upon reaching to Seberang Jaya, I got my ...
Generasi al Quran al Farid Jiil al Quran al Fariid, generasi pemuda al-Quran, istilah ini sepanjang ingatan saya dikembangkan oleh Syed Qutb, yang terkenal dengan Tafsir fi Zilaal Al-Quran dan "Petunjuk Sepanjang Jalan". Syed Qutub, dalam tulisannya memang menulis keras dan dalam banyak hal dicop esktrem oleh sebilangan orang. Bagi saya selaku peneliti tulisan aliran Ikhwan, manhaj salaf, aliran tradisional dan aliran lain yang bukan ahlus sunnah saya kira Syed Qutub, seperti mana aliran puritan seperti gagasan Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab(atau digelar musuhnya sebagai Wahhabi), menolak banyak perkara carut-marut di dalam kegiatan beragama. Masyarakat Jahiliah Saya cuba menulis tulisan ini di dalam nada yang umum, supaya kita melihat masyarakat Muslim yang hanya 1/6 atau kurang 20% penduduk kolong langit ini menimbang masa depan mereka yang bersaksikan Allah sebagai Pengatur, yang wajib disembah, Ilah. Konsep tauhid bukan setakat mengakui Allah sebagai Rabb/Pengatur, tetapi secar...
Help me Duh. Finally I sent my mini-thesis reports. All 3 purple colored reports being sent just in time. Definitely I wish I can enjoy my rest of the days, watching the incoming movies, spending time enjoying latest Naruto/Bleach, drive my car out to nowhere, surfing internet as if there are no tomorrow(s). Well, things like that. Anyway, writing reports actually was not easy as it seems. I have to obliged to indentation, colour, format etc. And, my laser printer can't print the reports cover so I have to spend RM0.60 for three copies at the Cyber station. Apart from that, I have 12 page of graph which I did by Gnuplot-and it need color printer. So I pay RM0.50 per copy and I smiling to myself since I got all these sheets colored. Then I goes to bind my reports and it costs me RM0.80 each. So all 3 reports printed,binded,labelled. Well, I believe I wrote some masterpiece when I still can breath. LoL. Next, people ask me when I should pursue my study. I want to answer that, but rig...